Sometimes life gets so busy that I can't always come up with something to write on here.
Life has been so busy, and I love it. I can't be upset or ungrateful because this is exactly what I wished for in 2023.
I did a questionnaire on Instagram asking what I should talk about on the newest blog and quite a few people wanted to hear what I had in store for this year.
When I look back on 2024, it was a huge year of learning for me.
Learning how to run a business as well as work a full-time job.
Learning how to juggle both jobs and a relationship.
Learning how to be coach and athlete at the same time.
Learning how to spend my time between Midland and Carlsbad so that I could still spend time with my family.
One thing I have learned is that is hard building a community from scratch.
West Texas doesn't have anything Ninja related, and a lot of people don't understand it.
For me to come in and build this community is going to take A LOT of time and effort.
Something I am definitely willing to put in because I do believe that it's worth it.
So, what do I want out of 2025?
What do I want to accomplish this year?
How do I want things to be different in my personal and professional life?
Those are the questions I have had to think about.
Believe me, I think about that stuff all the time.
So, let's start off with my personal life.
I want to be trying for a baby in the next few months and be pregnant by the time I am 38, which is only 4 months out.
I'd like to have this house done and remodeled within the next 6 months so that I won't have to think about it every time I come home.
It would be nice to be living in the same house with my significant other rather than apart so that every day I can wake up to him.
I don't think these are things that are too much to ask for. Especially since I feel like I am running out of time.
I also think that even if I end up pregnant in the next few months, I will keep it off social media for a while because it isn't anyone's business.
People like to dig into others' lives and for me, I just want peace from that.
As for my professional life.
I would like to get more clients in the gym and spread the word of the gym more since a lot of people don't realize that we even exist.
I love that place, and I want it to be able to thrive here.
It would be so amazing to get that on the map for West Texas.
People in the ninja community know we exist but the people in Midland/Odessa don't really know.
Advertising would help so much.
We just celebrated our 1-year anniversary, and I couldn't have asked for anything better.
The way the ninja community came out and showed up for me was everything I hoped for.
I am looking forward to year 2.

My full-time job has been going so well, and my boss is so amazing and understanding when it comes to everything going on.
When you find a boss who takes care of his people, you never want to work for anyone else.
I love my day job.
Right now, I am studying for my FS (Fundamentals of Surveying) Exam so that I can become an SIT (Surveyor-In-Training).
It has been hard, but I am slowly making those moves to get to a point where I can take that test and move up in that field.
People may say I am crazy to want a full-time job, a business, a baby and a family, but I do believe that it can be done.
God has taken care of me and has answered my prayers throughout all of this. I know he is watching over me and I know that he will continue to answer my prayers.
I have gotten to a point where I am okay with people not agreeing or liking what I do.
That's okay. They won't always like what I do or say.
All I am trying to do is do what is best for me and live my life the way God intended it.
Eventually, I want to get to a point where I can take time off and just be able to breathe.
Right now, though, I am okay with the busyness of life and everything going on.